Thoughts about __proto__
What __proto__ is, where it is hiding, what does it do.
var obj = new Object([value]);
is a constructor. It creates an object of a type corresponding to the given value. If value is omitted or null or undefined it returns empty object.
When a function object is created, it is given a prototype
member which is an object containing a constructor
member which is a reference to the function object.
has following properties and methods:
- length: 1
- name: “Object”
- prototype: Object
- assign: assign(); //experimental
- create: create();
- defineProperties: defineProperties();
- defineProperty: defineProperty();
- freeze: freeze();
- getOwnPropertyDescriptor: getOwnPropertyDescriptor();
- getOwnPropertyNames: getOwnPropertyNames();
- getOwnPropertySymbols: getOwnPropertySymbols(); //experimental
- getPropertyOf: getPropertyOf();
- is: is(); //experimental
- isExtensible: isExtensible();
- isFrozen: isFrozen();
- keys: keys();
- observe: obeserve(); //experimental
- preventExtensions: preventExtensions()
- seal: seal();
- setPrototypeOf: setPrototypeOf() //experimental
- __proto__ : function()
Object.prototype is an instance of an Object. When the object is created through calling new Object() all properties and methods of Object.prototype are submitted to this new object. These inherited properties and methods may be overridden.
has following methods:
- __defineGetter__:__defineGetter__(); //not standardized, deprecated
- __defineSetter__: __defineSetter__(); //not standardized, deprecated
- __lookupGetter__: __lookupGetter__(); //not standardized, deprecated
- __lookupSetter__: __lookupSetter__(); //not standardized, deprecated
- constructor: Object()
- hasOwnProperty: hasOwnProperty();
- isPrototypeOf: isPrototypeOf();
- propertyIsEnumerable: propertyIsEnumerable()
- toLocaleString: toLocaleString();
- toSource: toSource(); //not standardized
- toString: toString();
- unwatch: unwatch(); //not standardized
- valueOf: valueOf();
- watch: watch(); //not standardized
is a function with the native properties and methods.
is a prototype for constructor of Function.prototype.
Object._proto_ === Function.prototype; //true
It returns true because Object()
is a function and inherits properties from Function.prototype.
- apply: apply();
- arguments: null;
- bind: bind();
- call: call();
- caller: null;
- constructor: Function();
- isGenerator: isGenerator();
- length: 0;
- name: “”,
- toSource: toSource();
- toString: toString();
- __proto__: Object
Object.prototype.__proto__ === null //ture
is null
because Object is a base object in JavaScript and does not inherit any properties form another object. So __proto_
in this case is empty and can’t be a prototype of the constructor of Object.prototype
Function.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype //true
Function.__proto__ === Function.prototype //true
is prototype of a constructor of the Function.prototype object.
has __proto__ object which inherits set of properties from Object.prototype.
Reminder! Functions are objects which inherit a set of properties from Object.prototype.
Let’s create new class Wolf.
The constructor:
function Wolf(head, tail, paw) {
this.head = head;
this.tail = tail;
this.paw = paw;
The constructor Wolf() is a function with:
- arguments: null
- caller: null
- length:
- name: “Wolf”
- own prototype: Object {
– properties of Wolf Class
– methods of Wolf Class
– constructor: Wolf();
– __proto__: Object => object which contains native methods and properties of Object.prototype
} - __proto__: function()
Wolf.__proto__ = Function.prototype; // true
The constructor Wolf() is a function, meaning it’s also an object which inherits methods and properties form Function.prototype,
and Function.prototype
inherits methods and properties form Object.prototype
Wolf.prototype.__proto__ === Object.prototype; //true
Let’s create the new object of Wolf class:
var bigBadWolf = new Wolf('grey', 'long', 4);
The bigBadWolf is an object with following properties and methods:
- head: ‘grey’,
- paw: 4,
- tail: ‘long’
- __proto__ : Object {
– methods and properties of Wolfe Class;
– constructor: Wolf();
– __proto__: Object
The bigBadWolf.__proto__ is equal to Wolf.prototype.
bigBadWolf.__proto__ === Wolf.prototype // ture
The bigBadWolf.__proto__ contains __proto__ object which points to Object.prototype from which bigBadWof inherits its methods and properties:
bigBadWolf.__proto__.__proto__ === Object.prototype //true
So what is __proto__?
__proto__ sets the prototype of Object.
__proto__ points to the object which was used as prototype when the object was instantiated.
__proto__ is a property available in all instance.
__proto__ is the prototype of the constructor of __proto__’s object.