Tag: background
The CSS background-repeat property specifies if and how the background image is repeated. The background-repeat property is used in conjunction with the background-image property.
The CSS background-size property specifies the size of background image. The image can be stretched in order to fill the whole element or it can has particular size. The background-size is used in conjunction with the background-image property.
The background-position CSS property specifies the initial position of the background image for an element, including ::first-letter and :first-line. The background-position is used in conjunction with the background-image property and position is relative to the position specifies by background-origin.
The background property specifies a color or an image of an element’s content, padding and border. This property can be used on inline, block, inline-block, table elements and ::first-letter and ::first-line.
The CSS gradients are types of background images and represents smooth transitions between colors.