• Responsive images

    To create a responsive image, you need to add the max-width: 100% property to the img tag and set the width and height properties to auto. If there are no predefined values for the width and height, they can be omitted. The width of the parent container should be set in percent or can be […]

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    Posted in CSS, Snippets

  • Gradients

    The CSS gradients are types of background images and represents smooth transitions between colors.

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    Posted in CSS, Snippets

  • font

    The CSS property font is a shorthand for font-style, font-variant, font-weight, font-strech,font-size, line-height, fant-family Syntax Mandatory values: The font-size and font-family properties are required for the font shorthand to work correctly. If values for these properties are not provided, the font property will be invalid and may not display properly. Optional values: Omitting the values […]

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    Posted in CSS, CSS Reference

  • tab-size

    The tab-size property sets the width of the tab character (Unicode U+0009) in a block-level element. The initial value of tab-size is 8, and this property is inherited by child elements. Normally, tab characters are converted to spaces. However, when using the tab-size property for HTML tags other than pre tag, the white-space property must […]

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    Posted in CSS, CSS Reference

  • box-shadow

    box-shadow is a CSS3 property that attaches one or more drop shadows to a box. This property applies to all elements, including the ::first-letter selector. Multiple box shadows are possible, separated by commas. The z-ordering of multiple box shadows is determined by the order they are specified in the box-shadow property, with the first specified […]

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    Posted in CSS, CSS Reference