Author: majadc
The clear CSS property is directly related with the float CSS property. It can be apply to floating elements and non-floating elements. The clear CSS property specifies the position of the floating element that precedes the element with clear property set to left/right/both.
float – box property The float CSS property determines that an element should be taken out of the normal flow in the HTML document tree and placed along the left or right side of its parent container. The remaining content, such as HTML elements and text, flows around the box with the float property. These […]
CSS pseudo-classes classify elements by features that can not be deduced from document tree (name, attributes or content). They are used to add styles to an element in its a certain state or to an element that is in a certain position in the document tree. That means they may be dynamic – the element […]
Pseudo-elements allow to manipulate elements that don’t exist in the document tree. It can be the content of the document element (first line, first letter) or element that does not exit in document tree but can be create through the pseudo-element . For example first line, first letter can be styled by using pseudo-elements like […]
The outline CSS property draws a line around an element. Unlike the border property, the outline property is not considered part of the box model, so it does not affect the element’s dimensions. By default, the outline is drawn just outside the border edge.
The CSS data type applies to measurements for the following CSS properties: width, height, margin, padding, font-size, border-width, text-shadow, etc. There are two types of length units: relative and absolute.
:only-of-type – pseudo-class | Selectors Level 3 The :only-of-type matches element that is only child of its parent element of given type.
:only-child – pseudo-class The :only-child pseudo-class selects element that is the only child of its parent.
The CSS property background-image sets the background image or images of an element. This property can specify two types of images: regular images, such as PNG, JPG, SVG, GIF, and WebP files, or gradients.
The CSS background-color property sets the element’s background color. If an image is present, the color covers painted area behind the image.