
The clear CSS property is directly related with the float CSS property. It can be apply to floating elements and non-floating elements.

The clear CSS property specifies the position of the floating element that precedes the element with clear property set to left/right/both.

Assume that we have two elements. The first box has float property, the second doesn’t.

<div class="clearfix">
            <div class="box-1">Box 1</div>
            <div class="box-2">Box 2</div>

The first case.

The second element doesn’t have the clear property (or the clear property set to none).

.box-1 {
    float: right;
.box-2 {
    clear: none;

The floating box takes place in the same row, as the second element, on the right side of the parent container.

The box (1) with the CSS property float: right;
The non-floating box (2).

The second case.

The second box has the clear property set to right (the same direction as the float), the non-floating div moves down.

.box-1 {
    float: right;
.box-2 {
    clear: right;
The box (1) with the CSS property float: right;
The non-floating box (2) with the CSS property clear: right;


none | left | right | both | inherit

none the element is not moved down
left the element is moved down – below the bottom outer edge of the left-floating element placed earlier in the HTML tree document;
right the element is moved down – below the bottom outer edge of the right-floating element placed earlier in the HTML tree document;
both the element is moved down – below the bottom outer edge of  the left-floating and right-floating elements placed earlier in the HTML tree document;

Initial value: none
Applies to: block-lever elements
Inherited: no
Media: visual
Computed value: as specified
Animatable: no
Specification: CSS Level 1


The example of the difference between clear: left; and clear: both;.
There are three boxes: box number 1 has float with the value set to left, box number 2 on right and box number 3 is non-floating element.
The first case – the box no 3 has clear property set to left. It moves below the first box that using float: left, but second box still flows around box no 3.

Example of clear property

The second case –  the value of the clear property  set to both then box no 3 moves below two earlier floating boxes.

Example of clear property


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